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Juniper MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platform Interface Module

Software release

  • Junos OS Release 15.1F4 with Junos Continuity.

  • Junos OS Release 15.1F6 and later.

  • Junos OS release 16.1R1 and later.


  • Fixed-configuration MPC with 10-Gbps, 40-Gbps, and 100-Gbps port speeds

  • Weight: 15.7 lb (7.12 kg)

  • Model number: MPC7E-MRATE

  • Name in the CLI: MPC7E-MRATE

Hardware features

  • Line-rate throughput of up to 480 Gbps on MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers.

  • Line-rate throughput of up to 400 Gbps on MX2000 routers with SFB, and up to 430 Gbps on MX2000 routers with SFB2.

  • Junos Trio chipsets for increased scaling for bandwidth, subscribers, and services

  • Twelve Gigabit Ethernet ports that can be configured as 40-Gigabit Ethernet port or as four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports using a breakout cable. The ports support quad small-form factor pluggable plus (QSFP+) transceivers. The 40Gbps or 100Gbps ports configured to run at 10Gbps speed are shown in the CLI as follows:

    show interfaces terse
    Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
    xe-10/0/0:0             up    down
    xe-10/0/0:1             up    down
    xe-10/0/0:2             up    down
    xe-10/0/0:3             up    down
  • Four out of the twelve ports can be configured as 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports. Port numbers 0/2, 0/5, 1/2 and 1/5 are the four 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports.

  • You can configure different combination of port speeds as long as the aggregate capacity per group of six ports labeled 0/0 through 0/5 does not exceed 240 Gbps. Similarly, aggregate capacity per group of the other six ports labeled 1/0 through 1/5 should not exceed 240 Gbps.

  • Requires high-capacity power supplies, high-capacity fan trays, and SCBE2 or SCBE3 switch control boards on MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers.

  • Requires an adapter card to be housed in MX2000 routers.

  • The ports are labeled as (with the MPC orientation as shown in the above figure):

    • 10-Gigabit Ethernet or 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports:

      0/0, 0/1, 0/2 100G, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5 100G, 1/0, 1/1, 1/2 100G, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 100G

    • 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports:

      0/2 100G, 0/5 100G, 1/2 100G and 1/5 100G


    Only ports marked 100G support 100-Gigabit Ethernet speed using QSFP28 transceivers.

  • Supports maximum transmission units (MTUs) from 256 bytes through 16,000 bytes for transit traffic, and from 256 bytes through 9,500 bytes for host bound packets.


On MX960 routers, you can operate the MPC7E MRATE line card in any MPC slot at an ambient temperature of up to 40° C and at any altitude. All the MPC slots can be occupied by an MPC7E MRATE line card at temperatures of up to 55° C and at sea level. At an ambient temperature of above 55° C, and at sea level, slot 11 cannot host MPC7E MRATE line cards.

Software features


On MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers, the MPC7E powers on only if the network-services mode on the router is configured as either enhanced-ip or enhanced-ethernet. On MX2000 router no additional configuration is required as by default the router operates in enhanced-ip mode.

Cables and connectors


You can use the Hardware Compatibility Tool to find information about the pluggable transceivers supported on your Juniper Networks device.

The list of supported transceivers for the MX Series is located at https://pathfinder.juniper.net/hct/category/#catKey=100001&modelType;=All&pf;=MX+Series.

Power requirements

  • At different temperatures:

    55° C: 545 W

    40° C: 465 W

    25° C: 440 W


OK/FAIL LED, one bicolor:

  • Steady green—MPC is functioning normally.

  • Yellow—MPC has failed.

LINK LED, one green per port (4 per QSFP+ cage):

  • Steady green—Link is up.

  • Off—Link is down or disabled.

Dense Port Concentrators (DPCs)
Provide multiple physical interfaces and Packet Forwarding Engines on a single board that installs into a slot within the MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers. These topics have more information about DPCs:

MX Series DPC Overview

DPCs Supported on MX240, MX480, and MX960 Routers
Flexible Port Concentrators (FPCs) and Physical Interface Cards (PICs)
FPCs provide packet forwarding services, PICs install in FPCs and provide physical interfaces for the router, FPCs are installed in a slot in an MX240, MX480, and MX960 router. These topics have more information about FPCs and PICs:

Trio Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs) and Modular Interface Cards (MICs)MPCs provide packet forwarding services, and MICs install into MPCs to provide the physical interfaces. You can install up to two MICs of different media types in the same MPC as long as the MPC supports those MICs. The maximum number of supported MPCs varies per router and hardware configuration. MPCs are inserted into a slot in an MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, and MX2020 router. MPCs for MX5, MX10, MX40, MX80, and MX104 routers install directly into the router chassis. There are also fixed-configuration MPCs, with built-in network ports or services functionality, that do not accept MICs.

These topics have more information about MPCs and MICs:

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